Micky Overman: Hold On Billets

The Leadmill, Sheffield.

Micky Overman: Hold On

Cet événement est réservé aux personnes de plus de 14 ans. Aucun remboursement ne sera accordé aux personnes de moins de 14 ans.

Type de billet Prix (tarif hors frais)? Quantité
UNRESERVED SEATS £16,50 (£15,00)

Des frais de traitement et de livraison peuvent s'appliquer à votre commande  

Plus d'informations sur les billets Micky Overman: Hold On

All of a sudden, comedian Micky Overman finds her life going the direction she’s always wanted. The path has been set, she just has to follow it. So why is she finding that so hard? A show about change, commitment and letting go of your old self. Join Micky as she desperately fights against her old coping mechanisms, whilst contemplating love, the art of gift giving and Ozzy Osbourne. 


★★★★★ (Funny Women). ★★★★ (Scotsman). ★★★★ (Chortle). ★★★★ (BroadwayBaby.com). ★★★★ (List). 'Top-notch lines that wouldn’t be out of place in an A-lister’s Netflix special' (Chortle).